Friday, September 9, 2011

Show Them My Son

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. 

Hello readers.  Welcome to my heart. Let's begin.

I've had a certain prayer for awhile now. I've been asking God to help me with the proper way to minister.  An effective way.  I figure hey, since we're living in our last days then effective ministry is better than just any kind of ministry.  Screaming HELL from the street corners VS _________ <--God help me insert something there. I know its urgent times, but, what can I do?  And the answer I continue to get back from God is, "Just show them my Son."

Easy right?

If you think that, actually, you're reading it wrong.  You did what I did.  You're thinking He meant open up the Bible and literally "show them" the text about Jesus. Or, speak on the text about Jesus. So, talk about Christ, talk about the cross, etc.  "God, I know that.  But how can I effectively minister THAT to people?" I beckoned. So with God's simple answer going WAY over my head, as you can see, I continued to ask what's the best way to minister? And, our patient God, continued to say, "Show them my Son."

And it finally hit me.  I had my EUREKA MOMENT! The light bulb illuminated my entire brain up to this new theology.  What? JUST SHOW THEM YOUR SON?

YES! JUST SHOW THEM MY SON! (Bet you didn't know God spoke in bold huh?)

A rush of wisdom overflowed my brain and funneled to my heart. God was telling me to reflect His son. Be the mirror for the world to see His son. Now, we all know how mirrors work.  Its hard to reflect something if something is not present, same thing with Christ.  Its hard to reflect or show Christ when we're standing in front of Him, He has to be present for Him to reflect, hidden in Him, us out the way.  So after an extensive bugging of God, this is what I gathered from that simple saying.

Since Christ lives in us, we should be showing people Him, and not ourselves.  This is when verses like the one I opened up with and this one: I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live but its Christ who lives in me, Gal.2:20, really comes to life.  Gods answer to my prayer of the most effective way to minister is to SHOW CHRIST, through ME. So when people experience YOU, they experience CHRIST.  Again, when people experience YOU, they experience Christ. Whatsoever does that mean Mr. Claude?  Oh, thank you for asking.  This mean YOU must know Christ very well, so that you can imitate Him.  Or, just die to yourself and get it over with.  But getting to know Him will help you understand how to share in His joys.  I think we forget that once we accept Christ into our lives, we inherit the kingdom. What an honor!? Right? 

Or, what a task?

Now if we are children, then we are heirs---heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. 

Oh man. What have I signed up for? Sufferings?  No Jesus, life is supposed to be easy now.  Smooth sailing.  So God spoke to me through this verse.  Yes, we can love on people, be heart warming and cuddly and inviting and kind and gentle and compassionate and SHOW THEM JESUS through this way, but what about in our sufferings?  My Savior.......He was falsely accused and didn't plead His case.  He was beaten and didn't ask for a break.  He was nailed and didn't complain---All for God.  Now, I pray none of our sufferings 100% match up with His, but us sharing in His sufferings means going through something.  But, look at how admired we got after I listed what Jesus did for us?  SHOW THEM MY SON means YOU doing that too.  When life starts to toss you curve balls and knuckle balls in the same week, will you be able to react like Christ?  Will you be able to SHOW THEM JESUS THEN.  Hey, that idiot shouldn't pulled in front of me.  Or that waiter is being extra slow today.  Or that jerk was talking bad about me. WILL YOU BE ABLE TO SHOW JESUS THEN? 

Hmm...I know. Tough pill to swallow.  This is what I prayed for though, and can't say I've 100% mastered it. But being able to show people Christ when people are looking at you like, "Claude, how are you doing that!?"  And all you can say is God is holding me up. God is my strength. I trust in my Father. It's all for His glory to be seen so I do not care what happens to me.  Pierce my side even after already being nailed! Come on? Show this world Christ and lets see what happens.  There's power in this. It may change your world.....

And somebody else's.

And to see a life changed because you decided to just show Christ, to show love, even when it wasn't deserving---we can share in His glory.  I mean, look at us.  Christ suffered and loved us when we didn't deserve it, and they both are sharing in that glory of having us back., that just made me smile.

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